Guide Your Spirit

Welcome, beautiful souls!
To this sanctuary of evolution, transformation, and connection. It’s time to step into your power. Remember the truth of who you are and clear the roadblocks that are stopping you from embracing your divine purpose. The world is waiting for you!

Hi, I'm Susan Therese
Mother. Grandmother. Author. Alchemist.
More than 20 years ago, an allergic reaction to an antibiotic derailed my life. It was the spiritual equivalent of being hit by a 2x4. I’d never been so sick or so terrified. And I could never have imagined the gift that would ultimately come from it.
This life-altering event became a clear marker on my path; a moment that plucked me off the course I was on and placed me on a path of holistic healing. Since then, it’s been my mission to support and guide individuals to reclaim their health and vitality – on all levels.
I was your typical Type A personality with a fulltime career, while also juggling school part time, serving on community boards, and bearing the brunt of raising two children and running a household. I expected perfection and saw everything as black or white.
My approach to health was equally dogmatic. I believed in prescription drugs and over-the-counter meds for fast relief. A few years prior to my accident, I had a flu-like reaction to an antibiotic, which I, of course, promptly dismissed.
Your alarm goes off in the morning and already exhaustion is slipping into your bones – and you haven’t even gotten out of bed yet.
A voice inside you asks, Is this all there is for me?
You feel trapped, stuck in a life that you’ve worked tirelessly to create – the perfect job, the ideal partner, the comfortable nest egg – but somewhere along the way the excitement fizzled.
You want more.
More freedom, more joy, more connection. Just…more.
There is more that you are meant to do. You just know it.
Something is tugging at your heart; your spirit is calling you to a different experience. But you have no idea what steps to take to free yourself from the proverbial cage. In fact, you may have tried a myriad of different tactics but you still haven’t discovered the key – that thing that will pop the lock open.
You’re not alone. It’s why I created the House of Self – to overcome that feeling and reignite a passion for life. A unique program designed to set you free, whether it be from limiting mental patterns, chronic pain, or even spiritual blocks (hello, karma).
Let me ask you a few questions:

“My heart was blown open. I have felt multiple shifts and seen the ripple effect in my life.”
Do you ever wonder who you are/who you are meant to be?

Do you feel that there is more to life than what you’re experiencing?

Are you sitting on a well of untapped potential?

Are you suffering from physical ailments that can’t be explained by modern science?

Are you feeling disconnected from your environment or the people around you?

Are you looking for tools that will help you find clarity and understanding?